Based on the results of the Conferences, Conference Proceedings will be issued:
Conference Proceedings have ISBNs, DOIs, BIC, BISAC, and UDCs.
Conference Proceedings will be available in different formats: MARC, PDF, XML, HTML, and OAI.
Conference proceedings will be presented in international scientometric databases, repositories, and search engines such as Crossref System, Google Scholar, EndNote Click, Scilit, eKRPOCH, etc. Conference Proceedings will be sent to Scopus and Web of Science databases for further evaluation.
Publication type: scientific, peer-reviewed.
Frequency: 2 annual issues (PPPMSF in June, CIES in November).
Edition versions: Print, Online.
Accepted language: English.
Abstract Directions: Social and Behavioral Sciences: Education, Psychology; Medicine.
PPPMSF Main Subjects
- theoretical and methodological issues of preparing specialists in different fields (economy, medicine, humanities, etc.) in the European educational system;
- innovative technologies for the formation of modern specialists’ personalities;
- psychological/academic conditions for the formation of specialists’ creative personalities;
- competence-based approach to personality formation in the European educational system;
- student mobility and cross-culture communication experience analysis, especially in academic environments.
CIES Main Subjects
- Philosophy and psychology of modern education;
- Modern methodological and theoretical aspects of research in scientific subjects;
- Modern technological and methodological aspects of research in pedagogical, psychological, medical, economic, law, and other spheres;
- Socio-psychological problems of organization and management of education quality;
- Educational management: organizational, economic, and legal means of implementation in Ukraine and Europe;
- The latest means of teaching and upbringing: problems of implementation and standardization;
- Modern realities and prospects of development of higher education institutions;
- The modern institution of education and civil society (media support, PR, etc.).
Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been published previously in any format (internet website, Journal, newsletter, etc.), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or any other language.
Format: Microsoft Word (doc or docx).
Font: 12-point Times New Roman – for the title, headings (bold), for the body (standard).
Line Spacing: single-spaced. Do not add extra space before or after paragraphs.
Margins: 1-in. margins on every side of the page.
Paragraph Alignment: to the left margin. Do not insert hyphens (manual breaks) in words at the end of the line.
Paragraph Indentation: 0.5 in. from the left margin.
Word Count: 1500-2500 words, including references.
References: The reference list conforms to the APA Style (APA 7th) and includes 7-12 references.
Tables and Figures: No.
Language: English.
One author can submit 1 manuscript (1500-2500 words for Paper) to the Conference Proceedings and/or 1 manuscript (3000-5500 words for Journal Paper) to the International Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal.
It should be carefully checked for spelling and stylistic mistakes.
Conference Paper sections:
(1) Title of the Conference Paper
(2) Full Names of all Authors
(3) Affiliations
(4) summary (200-250 words) describing the Text Paper, taking into account structural subsections: Background, The aim of the study; Methods; Results; Conclusions
(5) Keywords (5-7 words)
(6) Text (subdivide into the following subsections: Background; The aim of the study; Methods (If available); Results; Conclusions)
(7) Conflicts of Interests (Required)
(8) References
(9) Information about the authors: Author’s Family Name Given Name –; Email ID; Academic Degree, Academic Title, Position, University/Organization, City, Country.
(10) Research interests of each Author.
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Manuscript and signed Application Form please send via Email: